Commonly asked Questions about Robotic Mowers

20th Apr 2023

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Robotic lawn mowers are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a convenient and efficient way to keep your lawn looking its best. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you buy one. In this article, updated for this year, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about robotic mowers, so you can make an informed decision about whether one is right for you. 

What is a robotic lawn mower?

A robotic lawn mower is a self-propelled mower that uses a variety of sensors to navigate your lawn and cut the grass without any input from you. They are typically small and lightweight, making sure they don't take up a lot of room or damage the lawn. Robotic mowers are available in a variety of sizes, so you can find one that is the right fit for your lawn.

How do robotic mowers work?

Robotic mowers use a variety of sensors to navigate your lawn and cut the grass. The most common type of sensor is a boundary wire, which is buried around the perimeter of your lawn. We have a team who do this for you for every robotic mower we install, so that you don't need to worry. The mower then cuts within the designated area. Some mowers also use GPS to navigate, which gives them more freedom to move around your lawn. Mostly, these robots can be controlled via mobile apps to set mowing times, and will ensure they cover the entire designated area within a reasonable time to ensure that the lawn has an even finish. 

For a long-read article from our team on exactly how robotic mowers work, along with the history of them, please click here

What are the benefits of using a robotic lawn mower?

There are many advantages to using a robotic lawn mower, including:

  • Convenience: Robotic mowers are very convenient, as they do all the work for you. You don't have to worry about dragging out the lawn mower or getting the grass wet.
  • Efficiency: Robotic mowers are very efficient, as they can mow your lawn regularly without wasting time or energy. This helps to keep your lawn healthy and looking its best.
  • Safety: Robotic mowers are very safe, as they are designed to avoid obstacles and people. They also have features such as child locks and safety sensors to prevent accidents. For example, you could still have a trampoline or garden furniture set on the lawn, and the mower would simply bounce off of them, and keep mowing elsewhere. 

Are there disadvantages of using a robotic lawn mower?

There can be a few drawbacks to using a robotic lawn mower, although these are minor and for some we even have a solution already:

  • Cost: Robotic mowers can be expensive, especially the higher-end models. They do however save money in the future and free up a lot of your own time. 
  • Installation: Robotic mowers may require some installation, as you may need to bury the boundary wire around the perimeter of your lawn. At WGM however, we have a team of experienced, qualified sales people and technicians who would do this install for you, using specialist equipment to make sure it is done properly and leaves no trace. 
  • Maintenance: Robotic mowers require some maintenance, such as sharpening the blades and cleaning the deck. However, this is not dis-similar to and standard maintenance on traditional mowers, and can in-fact be quicker and easier than traditional mowers. Any serious maintenance, such as a break in the boundary wire or electrical fault, would be solved by our team of technicians. This is done on-site if possible, or we may take the unit back to our workshop for repair.

Are robot lawn mowers any good? 

Robot lawn mowers are a great investment. They are better for the health of the lawn as they cut more often but take less grass off at a time, allowing consistent but healthly growth across the lawn. They also free up a lot of time. Think about all the time you may take mowing or maintaining a lawn mower during each year. A robot mower does all the hard work for you, giving you more time for free time, hobbies, work or anything else more enjoyable! 

Can robot mowers cut up hills, or cross driveways?

Most robots have a set incline that they can work too. For any seriously steep areas of lawn, you may be looking at a higher-specification machine, or it might be worth considering a re-wilding area of lawn, leaving a robot to cut the flatter sections. Robots can be programmed to go across driveways or paths. This is easier with GPS machines, but can be done with boundary wire installations if needed. Although the robot won't know if it is on lawn or hard surfaces, so therefore the blades will keep going, providing the access over the driveway or path is flat the mower can keep going over it without damaging the blades. Robotic mower blades don't spin as fast or work as low as traditional mower blades, so they are less at-risk of damage. If they do get damaged, they are cheap and easy to replace. 


How do I store a robot mower?

Robotic mowers have a "docking station" that is usually installed near to the house or a power source at the edge of the garden. This acts as the charger for the mower when it is not out mowing, and also as a "home" for the machine if it is ever set to not be used for a period. While this access point needs to be outside so the mower can come in and out freely, open garages can be a good solution as it offers a bit of protection from extreme weather. Storing a robot mower in a garage during the winter is also a good solution. 


Do robot mowers cut wet grass?

Robotic mowers are designed to cut grass in most types of weather. As they come out regularly and only cut a small amount of grass, they are never going to be chewing through lots of wet grass in one go. It is however wise to pause the mowing schedule during severe weather conditions. 

What happens to the grass cuttings?

Robotic mowers are designed to "mulch" the clippings. As they only cut very fine amounts of grass in one go, these cuttings are recycled and dropped back onto the lawn to act as feed. This helps in keeping the lawn healthy and a lush green colour. 

Do robot mowers use a lot of electricity?

Robotic lawn mower power consumption varies depending on type and the size of the cutting area, but generally ranges from 2.5 kWh to 34 kWh per month. An ordinary robot lawn mower uses about 15 kWh per month (which is practically nothing) when used at the average rate.

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If you would like more detail on the difference between cabled or GPS managed machines, please click here. 


If you want a consultation from one of our team regarding your requirements for a robotic lawn mower, please click here and fill out the form, one of the team will be in touch.